Cloud Based WordPress Website Hosting

From small businesses to large businesses, we have the server resources to host any website. That includes E-Commerce websites and membership sites!

server illustration

Why Host With Us?

Our servers have the resources to keep up with your traffic. Whether you are running a small cafe in your town or if you are running a Fortune 500 company, your website will be safe, secure, and fast with us. We optimize our servers, scan all of the sites on an hourly basis for malware (malware can run up resources and slow down the site), and we make sure we are running the latest STABLE version of the server software needed for our websites.

When your website goes down (yes, it will go down, they all do), the benefit to hosting with us is that you don’t have to do anything. We already know that your website is down, and we have already put a plan in action to get you back up and running in the quickest way possible. It’s like you don’t even know it happened!


We have data centers located all around the world, with the closest to Maryland being in Virginia. For a complete list of all of our data centers, get in touch with us to see how we can speed up your site and make it more secure in the process!

Brochure/Non-e-Commerce Sites

$ 20
  • Fast Loading Times
  • Hourly Backups
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Plan of Action
  • Cloud Hosting on Amazon

e-Commerce/Complex Sites

$ 30
  • Fast Loading Times
  • Hourly Backups
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Plan of Action
  • Cloud Hosting on Amazon
  • Optimization for Cart and Checkout
  • Website Speed Monitoring
  • Specific Server for e-Commerce

Did we build your website? If so, you qualify for an all-in-one package with hosting and support. See details here.

Hosting Your Own Website

Hosting is the single most crucial part of your website. You can have an AMAZING looking website, but if your host is sub-par, then you have wasted your money. Your website needs to serve your customers quickly and 24/7/365. These hosts above will be the ones who do that for you. Every website world experiences “downtime” it is all about how that “downtime” is handled that makes all the difference.